Total Pageviews

9 March 2011

1001 page views

Typically I missed the 1000 page view mark. That would have been the one to preserve in my memory but unfortunately, when I came to refreshing the page, Raf-brat Georgilee had leapfrogged the 1000 mark and gone straight to 1001. Well, at least it's a nice round number...

I thought reaching my first little milestone deserved a blog post in tribute since when I started blogging a couple of months ago, I didn't think it would take off and I didn't imagine anyone would be interested in reading about my own little Hogwarts or our crazy, small-town life in Alabama.   But you have proved me wrong and I know that at LEAST half of my cherished page views are by actual people, not just my own 'old-reliable' computer.

It's been great fun writing little bits here and there about this and that, and hopefully, if you like what you have read you will recommend it as a bit of bed time reading to your friends and families and continue commenting as you have been doing on things you especially like!  You can even (although I think you could need a googlemail email add or Twitter or something) follow me, meaning you don't have to rely on me putting the latest on facebook to know what's gone up.  Click the follow button on the left of the blog and I guess just follow the instructions! (You must be able to tell I'm not technology minded; someone please buy me Blogging for Dummies.)

Let me know if any of you are blogging as I'd be interested in reading your stuff too.  Thanks guys, and happy Wednesday!

[Photo taken from Volleywood - blog entitled 'Greek League Resumes!']

1 comment:

  1. Currently your beating me by 12 views! Congrats ,haha! :)
