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7 February 2011

Lunacy ad infinitum

My life is spinning like the headiness of a hangover.

One factor at the mercy of another at the mercy of another at the mercy of another.
The situation is like this. 

***The temping agency that I am registered with is currently seeking short term job opportunities for me. 

***Whether I can take any of said job opportunities depends entirely on whether my ex-employers would like me for a spot of extra work this week.  

***Whether I can accept my ex-employers' work offer depends entirely on whether the fantastic magazine publisher in London to which I have applied for a four week internship requires me to attend an interview this week.  

I'm expecting phone calls from all three of the above companies but not in any particular order. 

Idyllically, I would first hear from high profile London publisher, proposing an interview for this coming Friday.  

This would be followed by a phone call from my ex-employers, stating they would like my assistance for a few days this week (not dependent on 'which' days I can do). 

And thirdly I would hear from my trusted temping agency saying they have no available work for me this week but they remain ever diligent in their efforts to secure me something soon. 

Let the multi-dimensionality unwind.


  1. mmmmm quite a conundrum !!

  2. So how did it all unravel ?

  3. Well Mr / Mrs Anonymous, I indeed got an interview with the publisher in London (am STILL waiting to hear back, managed to acquire 6 weeks paid work woop woop and haven't heard from the agency for a while. So temporarily things are good but in the long run I am still awaiting...... (who are youuuuu???)
